Below you will find the list of Honda Service Centre in Pune with addresses, contact numbers, and other information,
Aero Wheels Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: SR.NO.17/1/1, PL.NO.10, CST NO.307, CHAVAN NAGAR DHANKAWADI, PUNE 411043 411043
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-41043301/02, 9657012834
Email: aerohonda@gmail.com
Aero Wheelz – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Plot 10, S.No. 17/307 411043
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020) 41043313, 9822053678
Email: aerohonda@gmail.com
Aman Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sr. No. 264/7/2, Near Green Park Hotel, Baner, Pune 411045
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020 – 65200583/4/5, 9850833488
Email: dinesh.swadeshi@gmail.com
Aman Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Dagade Patil Vella, Patil Nagar, Bavdhan_x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9511910054, 9511910054
Email: service.amanhonda001@gmail.com
Auto Services – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: S No. 64/4, Heaven Park, Next to Laxmi Hardware 411040
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020) 32506092, 9371000297
Email: abhaypbhandari@gmail.com
B U Bhandari Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 883, Bhawani Peth, Opposite Vinay Highschool, Nr Old Motor Stand_x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-67209999, 9168143132
Email: service@bubhandari.net
B U Bhandari Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Lalwani Prestige, Opp Kothari Maruti, Nagar Road, Pune_x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-66004400, 9881907366
Email: service@bubhandari.net
B U Bhandari Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Kothari Maruti Showroom 411031
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020) 66004400, 9822654545
Email: deven@bubhandari.com
B U Bhandari honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Opp Vighnharta Motors Ranjangaon Ganpati Shirur 412220
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9657894585, 9657894585
Email: moryamotorsasc@gmail.com ,sureshdhormale@gmail.com
B.U Bhandari Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 2421, East Street Galleria, Camp, 411001
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-67209999, 7720036336
Email: service@bubhandari.net
B.U Bhandari Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Lalwani Prestige, Opp. Phoenix Mall, Nagar Road, Viman Nagar 411014
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-66004402, 9881907366
Email: nsr@bubhandari.net
Gagan Wings Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Gate No. 1361 (Old No. 2347), B/1/3C, Opposite Poona Warehouse, Pune – Nagar Road, Wagholi, Haveli, Pune. 412207
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-27051020 / 21 / 22 / 23, 7768009011
Email: raju.yadav@gaganhonda.in
Gagan Wings Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Survey No 21, Hissa No.4 Opp Colombia Asia Hospital, Kharadi By Pass Kharadi, Pune-411014._x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 7768009029
Email: sales@gaganhonda.in
J.M.Auto – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 120,Mhada Complex 411015
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9822308481
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Kanade Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sr. No. 28/1, Kande Nagar, Undrigaon, Katraj-Saswad By Pass-Road, Pune 411060
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9960600769, 9762999769
Email: sales@kanadehonda.com
Kothari Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Survey # 108/1A/1,Bengluru – Mumbai Highway,Nr RMD college,Warje,Pune_x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 7721866366/9607408123, 9373720051
Email: kothariwheels@yahoo.com
Kothari Wheels – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Safire park galleriaMumbai-Pune RoadWakadewadi 411004
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-41010400, 9325756107
Email: service@kothariwheels.in
Kothari Wheels – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 1043, Shukrawar PethTilak Road 411002
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-41040100, 020-24435665, 9325756105, 9373720054
Email: service@kothariwheels.in
Kothari Wheels – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 691/1A/1B, Plot No. 8 411037
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020) 32604433, 9823059002
Email: rkothari17@gmail.com
Parineeti Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Spine Rd, Sector No.4, Moshi, Pune_x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 8390400400, 7391055301
Email: wscrm@kothariautowings.com
Parineeti Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Plot No. 182, Sector No. 4, Sant Nagar, Moshi, Pcntda, Pune 411039
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020 27402740, 8390400400
Email: kothariautowings@gmail.com
Pashankar Auto P Ltd – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Bhavkar Garage 726 Shivaji Nagar Gaonathan Opp Shivaji Statue Shivaji Nagar Pune 411005
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9823366422, 9823366422
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Pashankar Auto P Ltd – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Swewadi Next to croma Showroom Aundh Pune 411007
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9422000205, 9422000205
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Pashankar Auto P Ltd – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 943, Sadashiv Peth 411030
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No:
Email: honda@bubhandari.com
Pashankar Auto Pvt Ltd. – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Pashankar Auto P Ltd Swewadi Next to Croma Showroom Aundh Pune _x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9960178774, 9960178774
Email: pashkankarauto@hotmail.com
Pashankar Auto Pvt. Ltd. – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Kedar Empire, Near Dashbhuja Ganesh Mandir 4110011
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020) 41497171,7105, 9823005565
Email: pashankarauto@yahoo.com
Pashankar Auto Pvt. Ltd. – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Gaikwad Villa 411007
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020)25897616, 9823005565
Email: pashankarauto@yahoo.com
Pashankar Auto Pvt. Ltd. – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Kedar Empire 411004
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-30205440, 9923004450
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Pashankar Auto Pvt. Ltd. – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Senapati-Bapat rd 411004
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: (020) 30116060, 9823005565
Email: pashankarauto@yahoo.com
Pashankar Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Kedar Empire, Near Dashbhuja Flyover, Near SNDT College, Karve Road, Pune _x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-25435440/41, 8796020000
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Rahul Auto Services – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sarja Hotel lane 411007
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-25897616, 9422000205
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Shanti Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Vishrantwadi-Airport Road, Tingare Nagar 411015
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 8380010700, 8380010692
Email: vikas.shantigroup@gmail.com
Shanti Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Vishrantwadi-Airport Road, Tingare Nagar,Pune 411015
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 8380010700, 8380010692
Email: servicemanager.shantihonda@gmail.com
Shirole Pashankar Automobiles – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: 398,Madhav Chambers 411016
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-30116060, 9822308481
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Shree Mauli Aotomobiles – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Madhuram Appts. 411030
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9371949471
Email: isuraj4u@rediffmail.com
Sky Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sr. No.77/2/15, Pune – Solapur Road, Manjri Bk.,_x000D_
Tal-Haveli, Pune 412307
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 9209500200, 7447421035
Email: skyhondapune.service@gmail.com
Venkatsai Service Centre – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Nr.Kailas Jeevan factory 411041
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020-24690174, 9890470410
Email: pashankarauto@hotmail.com
Yash Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sr. No 14, Hadapsar Industial Estate, Opp Kwality Bakery, Hadapsar , Pune 411013
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020 – 26873130, 7276209688
Email: service@yashhonda.com
Yash Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Near Deshmukh Petrol Pump Pune Saswad Road Phursungi Pune Pin 412307_x000D_
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 020 – 6980699, 9850848303
Email: yashhondapune@gmail.com
Yug Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sr.No.269/1/2/3, Sahara Chowk, Shedge Wasti, Wakad, Pune 411057
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 7276056618, 7028830618
Email: crmyughondaservice@gmail.com
Yug Honda – Honda Service Centre Pune, Maharashtra
Address: Sr No.269/1/2/3,Aundh-Hinjewadi BRTS Road,Sahara Chowk,Shedge Wasti,Wakad,Pune 411057
Timings: 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM (Sunday Holiday)
Phone No: 7719878618 ,7719978618, 9028046618
Email: yughondapune@gmail.com
Please check the working hours and call the nearest Honda service centre in Pune before visiting.
Honda Customer Care Number (India): 1800 103 3434
Honda Corporate Office:
Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 1 , Sector - 03,
IMT Manesar, Distt. Gurugram, (Haryana) – 122050
Ph: +91(0)124-2290011,+91(0)6712800
Honda Customer Support Email : customercare@honda.hmsi.in
Honda Customer Service
Honda, founded in 1948, is a world-renowned manufacturer of automobiles, motorcycles, and power equipment. Known for its reliability and innovation, Honda has consistently delivered fuel-efficient and high-performance vehicles. The brand is also at the forefront of advancements in robotics, electric vehicles, and green energy solutions. With a strong commitment to sustainability, Honda continues to shape the future of mobility.
Honda’s two-wheelers are renowned for their reliability, performance, and fuel efficiency, making them popular worldwide. From sporty models like the CBR series to versatile commuter bikes like the Honda Activa, they cater to a wide range of riders. Honda’s motorcycles and scooters combine cutting-edge technology with durable design. With a focus on comfort and innovation, Honda continues to set benchmarks in the two-wheeler segment.
Honda two-wheelers, while known for their reliability, can occasionally face issues like engine overheating, electrical malfunctions, or wear in components such as brakes and suspension over time. Some riders report problems with fuel efficiency dropping in older models or challenges with cold starts. Additionally, maintenance costs can rise if regular servicing is not followed. However, most issues are manageable with proper care and timely repairs.
In case of any problems, the ideal solution would be to reach out to the nearby service centre for help. You can find the list of all Honda Service Centres in India at ServiceCentreDirectory. So, rather than searching for “Honda service centre in Pune,” Honda service centres near me” or “authorized Honda service centre in Pune,” on the internet, you can visit our website directly to search and find the required information.
Honda’s social media platforms are actively managed by their dedicated teams, providing excellent customer support, updates, and valuable information. As a Honda product owner, you can reach out to the official Honda social media accounts for help with your issues, receive troubleshooting tips, and find solutions to common problems. By contacting them on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, you can directly engage with Honda support teams to get quick assistance.
Companies like Honda are highly conscious of their brand reputation and are usually quick to address any issues, ensuring that customer concerns are resolved promptly and efficiently.
To get in touch with Honda’s support team on social media, you can reach out to their official handles:
Twitter: @Honda 2 Wheelers India
Facebook: Honda 2 Wheelers India
Instagram: @Honda2WheelersIn
YouTube: @Honda 2 Wheelers India
You can send a message or tag them in your posts to get a prompt response from the Honda team.
Tip: When using social media for customer support, be sure to include a clear and concise description of your issue or question and avoid sharing any personal information.
Apart from social media, you can also visit the Honda 2 Wheelers Support Page click on register complaint to submit your issue.
Honda Bike Service
Honda Activa Service
Honda Electrical Service
Honda Free Service
Honda Brake Service
Honda Tyre Service
Hero Honda Service
Honda 2 wheeler service
Honda motor service
Honda engine service
Honda oil Service
Honda parts Service
Honda Engine Oil Service
Honda warranty service
Honda battery fix
Honda Extended Warranty Service
Honda annual maintenance
Honda Body Service
Honda Shine Service
Honda Big Wing Service
Honda accident service
Honda Spare Parts
Honda suspension adjustments
Honda engine tuning
The Honda Service Centre offers a wide range of services to ensure your vehicle remains in top condition. These include scheduled maintenance such as oil changes, brake inspections, tire rotations, and fluid checks. The center also provides engine diagnostics and repairs, addressing issues like tuning, overheating, or unusual engine noises. Electrical system services, including battery replacements and light repairs, are available, along with suspension adjustments and brake system maintenance. For quality assurance, they use genuine Honda parts and accessories. In addition, the center handles accident repairs, warranty services, and safety and emission checks. Tyre services like alignment, balancing, and replacement are also offered to maintain driving stability.
Please bring your purchase receipt or invoice, along with your product’s warranty card (if applicable). Additionally, provide a detailed description of the issue to help the technicians diagnose and resolve the problem quickly.
The time required for repair depends on the issue. Minor repairs may take a few hours, while more complex repairs may require a few days. Technicians will provide an estimated repair time after diagnosing the issue.
Even if your product is out of warranty, you can still bring it to the Honda Service Centre for repair. Technicians will diagnose the issue and provide a repair estimate, including parts and labor charges.
It is recommended to service your Honda vehicle every 5,000 to 7,500 kilometers or as advised in your owner's manual. Regular maintenance helps prevent major issues and keeps your vehicle performing optimally.
Yes, Honda Service Centres use genuine Honda parts and accessories to ensure the best quality and fit for your vehicle. This ensures long-lasting performance and reliability.